Acne is a skin condition that varies in severity and subtypes. It occurs when oil clogs the pores of the face, neck, chest, back or upper arms, and is complicated by bacteria, hormones, and other inflammatory conditions.
The condition can be caused by heredity, stress and other factors. Acne is common in teenagers but can happen at any age. It is also very treatable.
The discovery of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments is one of the most significant advances for many years in acne treatment of live acne (acne vulgaris).
Acne patients undergoing IPL treatment for pitted scarring, soon discovered that IPL was also having a beneficial effect on fresh breakouts.
In addition to boosting collagen production, it is believed that the IPL treatment keeps fresh breakouts at bay by killing the bacteria that cause infection and the formation of spots.
Stony Laser beauty clinic always provides the most up to date information available on the exciting new research into acne treatment with IPL.